The Qixing (pronounced "chee sing", meaning "seven stars") Martial Arts Institute offers a comprehensive martial arts training curriculum rooted in Chinese gongfu (kung fu) that encompasses short and long-range techniques, grappling and self-defense, and even acrobatics as well as meditation and internal training (taiji/tai chi and qigong). We train and develop the whole person in body, mind, and spirit, emphasizing health and fitness in addition to mental discipline and strong character development. Our programs are designed to keep you in the best physical and mental condition possible for your entire lifetime, from childhood to old age.
**No contracts**
**No enrollment fees**
**Family discounts**
**No enrollment fees**
**Family discounts**
News and events
* We are sorry to announce that at the end of May 2014 we will be discontinuing group classes until further notice. We will continue to offer limited private instruction and special seminars, however. Contact us here to discuss training options.
* Reading group meeting - 5/10/2014 - Text: Daodejing (Tao Te Ching)
* We are also proud to sponsor the Martial Arts Club at Rock Canyon High School
* Reading group meeting - 5/10/2014 - Text: Daodejing (Tao Te Ching)
* We are also proud to sponsor the Martial Arts Club at Rock Canyon High School